Shop Home / Accessories / Brushes / GLIDE Flexi Brush - Medium to Coarse Hair- BLACK CODE: 17010026 GLIDE Flexi Brush - Medium to Coarse Hair- BLACK Product Details: 2 Brushes Available Fine to Med Hair and Med to Coarse Hair The bristles flex and so does the brush - you wont believe it! State of the art brush No more notz, no more pain, wet or dry, its all the same To see pricing and the ability to order online, please login using your Salon ID. Related Products Wonder Brush Wet and Dry - Steel Blue CODE: 10010056 GLIDE Flexi Brush Compact Fine-Medium CODE: 17010029 Clamp brush with comb DISCONTINUED CODE: 71010001 Hi-LIft Magnesium Radial Brush 30mm CODE: 10010046